Page 481 - 2025 Catalogue
P. 481
Fabrics┃ I mportantInfor mation
F a bri c r e stri cti o n s
Certain soft seatingfabricslistedinthis guide may not suitablefor use on all soft seating products. Wereserve therighttoreject ordersto make productsin selectedfabricsif webelievethatthefabricisinappropriatefor use dueto‘Tht andfor m’ unsuitability.Inthisinstance we will al waysreco m mend a si milarfabricthatis more suitablefor use onthat particular product.
Fabric hazardratings
Lo w- E N1021 Parts 1 & 2 cigarette and match Mediu m- BS5852Ignition source 5/ Crib 5
Fabric bands
Please contact our salestea mfor a priceif your preferredfabric choiceis notlisted. Please make sure you checkthe suitability of afabric beforereco m mending a product. Ift wofabrics are used on oneite m e.g.t wo- tone,the costis calculated on higher ofthet wofabric bands. Allordersforleather are priced on application.
Fabric colour variations
Whilst every effortis made, no guarantees are made againstthe minor variationsinthe colour of co m mercial fabrics. All stripedfabric will be upholstered vertically unless advised.
Photographed upholstery
While every effortis madetorepresent colours accurately, we ca nnot guaranteethe colours you see exactly matchthe colours ofthe actualfabric dueto printing processes.
Measure ments
All measure ments arein milli meters and can have atolerance of ±12 m m on all soft seating. Measure ments may vary depending on co mponents used and wereservetheright to changethe mfro mti metoti me.
Custo mers o wnfabrics
Fabrics notlisted or custo mer suppliedfabrics needto be approved before acceptance of orders. A pattern charge may applyto so mefabrics. Wereservetherighttorejectfabricthat we believeto be unsuitableforthe product. We are unableto guarantee any product orfabric supplied by a custo mer meets fireregulations
or st a n d ar d s.
Please contact our salestea mif you wouldlike anyfabric sa mples sent outto you.
Or d eri n g
For all made-to-order products,itis our policythat oncethese products have been orderedthey cannot be canceled or a mended.
Pri ci n g
All pri c e s s h o w n ar e i n st erli n g ( £) a n d ar e s u bj e ct t o c urr e nt r at e of V A T.
W arr a nt y
All products are guaranteed against manufacturing defects, except for upholstery, castors and mechanis ms which are subjectto usagerelated wear andtear. The warranty is effectivefro mthe daythe productleavesthe factory andthe supplierreservestheright notto applythe warrantyin cases ofinappropriate use or when a product has beenta mpered with by athird party orinterventions by non-authorised personnel. All co mplaints concerningthe goods must be madein writing andthe co mpany shall undertaketorepair any product or part of a productthat provesto befaulty.
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