Page 479 - 2025 Catalogue
P. 479

 Fabric┃ Infor mation Fabric Sustainability
S u st ai n a bl e f a bri c s
Sustainabilityis a key priorityfor us and we are co m mitted to working closely with suppliers who sharethe sa me
co m mit ment, oTheringfabricranges which allo wfor sustainable choicesto be made and can berecycled atthe end oflife. Our selection processesfactorin environ mental concerns, quality standards and socialresponsibility.
Ourfabric ofieringincludesranges made withrecycled PET bottles,including bottlesfro m sea waste. The bottles are sent to arecyclingfactory, wherethey are shreddedinto ffiakes, processedinto chips andthen extrudedinto ffila ments. Thisis thenturnedinto yarnreadyfor weaving.
•Oceanic fromCamiraispartoftheSEAQUALInitiative, designedto co mbat marine plastic pollution and achieve
a wastefree environ ment. Oceanicis wovenfro m yarn containing sea waste and each metre containsthe equivalent of 26 plastic bottles, playing ani mportant partinreducingthe wastethatreaches both ourlandffills and our oceans.
• Sealife fro mInloo mis a cross-functional yarn created entirelyfro m post-consu merrecycled plastics, wovenfro m a bl e n d of 5 0 % S E Q U A L y ar n cr e at e d fr o m pl a sti c s c oll e ct e d fro mthe oceans and beaches, and 50 %recycled polyester yarn createdfro mrecycled PET bottlesfro mland waste. For every 50 Mroll of Sealife produced, 12kg of marinelitteris
re movedfro m our oceans.
M F C & F A B RI C
• Earthly fro mChieftain -is aluxuriousfabricis madefro m 100 %recycled onbres andis cradleto cradle certified.Itis manufactured entirelyfro m wastetextiles. Textiles which may other wise have gonetolandfill. Alltherecycled yarns(100 % recycled cotton and polyester) usedinits creation are certified tothe Global Recycled Standard. The G R Sisinternationally recognised, widely understood,trusted, andrespected by consu mers.It veriffiestherecycled content of productsin every step ofthe value chainthroughthird-party certification.
•VerdEcofromAgua –istheirfirstsustainablefabric.It’s crafted entirelyfro m preconsu mertextile waste other wise destinedforlandfill, whichisthenrecycledinto granules, spun into yarn, and finallyre- woven;thisis all done using zero water (infact, upholstering athree-seat sofain VerdEco saves on average 250litres ofthe stuff).
• Rene wed loopfro mGabriel –is designedto eli minate waste. The waste age callsfor pioneering solutions and innovative designthat addressthe challenges oftextile waste. As we all enter a ne w era ofrecycling,itisti metoleavethe thro wa way culture behind, e mbrace waste as a valuable resource, and develop ne w waystorecycle materials again
a n d a g ai n.
The questtoreducetextile waste and saveresources,
Gabriel havefound a wayto closetheloop andtransfor m textile wasteinto ne wtextile products. Loopis arevolutionary take-back syste m, and a ne w category of products based on recycledtextile waste – also calledtextile-to-textilerecycling.
Byrecycling wasteinto ne wtextilesthat can berecycled again and again, creating a circular syste m – a closedtextile loop –thatreduces waste generation, conserves natural resources, and contributestolo wering C O2 e missions.

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