Page 480 - 2025 Catalogue
P. 480

Fabric┃ Care
Fabric care
There are a wide choice offabrics available anditisi mportantthat you selecttherightfabricforthe application as well as creatingthe perfect Thnishtothe chairs.
Wereco m mendthe basic principlesforfabric care and maintenance continueto apply:
• Vacuu m upholsteryregularlytore move dust, dirt and cru mbs • Attendto stains quickly with a da mp cloth
• Use branded upholstery sha mpoofor specific stains
• Periodically use specialist cleaning services eg dry cleaning
Mostfabrics are bleach cleanable with a 10 % bleach chlorine solution( which will kill Coronavirus ger ms). There are also an increasing nu mber offabricsthat are anti- microbialto protect against a widerange of bacteria which causeinfection- such as MRSA, Sal monella and E.coli- which can cause serious additionalill healththat must be avoided by anyone already battling a potentiallylethal virusinfection.
Thesefabrics can provide hygiene beneffitsin wideranging co m mercial end-use areas,including healthcare, hospitality, e d u c ati o n a n d c o ntr a ct o ffi c e.
Forfurther details contact our salestea m orrefertothefabric manufacturer websites.

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