Page 5 - 2025 Catalogue
P. 5
Converse & Connect
A mixed approachto workingis an ever-gro wing trend, andtheintegration oftechnological solutions into meetingroo ms, huddleroo ms, and eveninfor mal spaces such as canteensfoster ffiexible collaboration, whether spontaneous or scheduled.
Social Gathering
Connection with othersis afunda mental hu man need, and e mployee wellbeing can be easily enhanced dedicated spaces such as cafes,recreation areas, and outdoor co m mon spaces nurturesthe needto socialise andinteract with others.
Jude |430 Slab |206
Flux |128 Enable |202
G at h eri n g
The value ofthe social ele ment of an
ofThce, whenit co mesto wellbeing,is increasingly beco ming clear, particularly inthe post-pande mic world. The gathering spacefostersthis meaningful ele ment of connection, providing spacesfor work, recreation, andleisure while allo wing crucial collaboration and net working. These spaces makethe office a worth while destinationthat supportsthe wellbeing ofits e mployees.
We needto shape beautiful, sti mulating environ mentsthat per mit creative uses ofthe space. By creating zones with various seating options and multiple usage scenarios, wefoster creativefreedo mfor our e mployees.