Page 10 - 2025 Catalogue
P. 10
S u st ai n a bilit y At The Core
Sustainabilityis morethanjust a buzz word –it’s a vital aspect of any business. These days, consu mers and businesses alike seek out co mpaniesthat are conscious oftheir
c ar b o n f o ot pri nt.
Fro minnovationin design and manufacturing,to circular design,to meeting goalsfor accreditation, sustainabilityis atthe core of everything we do, as a crucial aspect of our corporate and socialresponsibility.
In strivingfor a circular econo my and alo wer carbonfootprint, we pro mote sustainable consu mption and production practices
by designing our products accordingto sustainable design principles, conducting
life cycle assess ments, and oThering end- of-life solutions. To supportthis we ofier
a co mpleterecycling service,re.think,for all our custo mers,to co mpli ment your sustainability goals.
Supplying Responsibly
Responsibility doesn’t start with us –it starts with our supply chain. We monitor our suppliers and ensuretheir conduct andinitiatives are ethical and sustainable, pro moting hu manrights,fairlabour conditions, and sustainability.
Socially Responsible
Co m munityis crucialfor any organisation, notjustinits
e mployees, butinthe wider society,too. Good business practice pays backtothe co m munity by pro moting
e mployee wellbeing, charity, and ethical business practices,to contributeto a more equal andjust society.